These are sections on my page that you might want to take a look at:
Photos of my neice
Links to pages I love
My photo album
My online friends & family
My Poetry page (all created by friends)
Take a look at the awards I've won
Win my award
Webrings I'm a proud member of
A page I made for my Soul sister,Kelly .
Christmas gifts from my soul sister

Mickey mouse - I am a Mickey fanatic & as any Mickey fanatic knows he is my #1 guy. My favorite mickey is a picture I collaberated which is Mickey as a cowboy.I had to combine the two things I love.*L* I love collecting anything to do with mickey.

Cowboys - As I mentioned before another thing I love is cowboys.(especially my cowboy Mickey)*S* Just ask my friends.*L* They'll all be glad to tell you so. Ah now Mickey as a cowboy,just perfect.*LOL*

My Personal life- Well my name is Keely & I'm a 27 year old female from Thunder Bay,Ontario in Canada. I love kids. Mostly I love how they are always honest about their feelings. I have one older brother, Conan (no joke), whom I love very much. He was always a brother & a father combined in one & I always respected him for it. My mother, Daniela is also my best friend. My niece, Alyssa who is my pride & joy, She is the best niece anyone can ask for. She's got my looks *BS* okay, okay so she looks more like my brother but she does have some of my features. Namely her attitude.*L* Geesss you guys take all the fun out of dreaming!*LOL* I have two cats named Syra & Skylar. Yes that is how I came up with my chat handle. They are always there for me when I'm down.

My hobbies & interests- I have many hobbies &interests so I'll list some of them. I love drawing cartoons,listening to music (many kinds), reading books & poems, swimming, dancing, going to the bars, playing on the computer, and hanging around with friends.

This is an award I made for my best friend, Kelly. Kel, I wuv you *luv bug hugz* Click on the award to get to the page I made for her.

Please take a look at the missing kids. If you've seen any of them please notify authorities.Thank you.

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It's sad but true that it's time for Mickey & I to say good bye now ,so until next time take this flower & remember to sign the book!!!!
