My friend Harley made these poems up just for lil ol me cause I have a thing for cowboys. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Another one from the poetic Harley.

sysky is dancing around just what in the world for she keeps dancin like that she is going to fall on the floor

texas and mom are ploting a shin-dig drinking and partying at this all night gig

wwjd is daydreaming of that guy far away she cant wait till friday just to hear what she will say

I am bugging everyone with these poems so bad it is getting that time I bet yall are so glad ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

These are some of a great poets (Merlyn's) poems.*S*


The world gives chase to those who live it Their dreams fall before time Their hopes drift with the tide A world drawn between two clouds A time of false feelings and lies But to each cloud there is but two parts one of sun and light, the other of moon and darkness I have not seen your darkness or felt the shadows beneath you only the sun in your heart and the light of your soul The path to lonliness is a long one but to which there is an end A goal in the hearts of many is but the same cause to love and be loved in return Through those clouds the sun shines its light into the hearts of many, it breaks apart the darkness. It is a weakness but never a curse For those who find true love are but the bravest souls They dare, they fall, they move on. We all find ourselves wondering if it is right but often find no answer. For it is only in the heart and in the soul that we shall forever know what destiny's lays ahead But there is one thing that can never be forgotten. It is how deeply we can care for onw another and how much we can love...... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Clouds & Ocean

Across the plains of forever, there was a place unknown to me A place that dwells inside everything but was not real, or was thought until my eyes met yours I thought that this place was lost, found only by others Now this place is where I live Nothing can stop me from loving you, but your words From the first time I saw you, the only words I could hear was that of heavens choir. Echoing through my head was your name My thoughts were of only you, Time was my enemy, but is now my friend It is meant to be shared, with you each time I hear the wind, it reminds me of you Being away from you puts a hole in my heart that could only be replaced with your words…. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


As each sunrise awakens me nothing sheds such beauty as you, I live to see you laugh I would be there for you to cry on, to make your life filled with joy Your hair shines like a golden wheat field a the gentle breeze flows through It, Your eyes do sparkle as the moon shines off them. The moon fills the night like your soul fills my heart, Each time I wished on a star, I hoped that you would appear, but wishes are only hopes, hope that dies and is reborn each time I see you. Without you life has no meaning, no joy, nothing, just an empty void waiting to be taken, taken by you. When I look into a clear river I hoped you would be there in the ripples and in the shade. As the doves fly, their wind reminds me of your gentle words. I would give you my life, and my soul, because to me you already have my heart…. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The woman who wrote these poems is my cyber mom. She's there for me whenever I need her. I can really relate to most of her poems. They're great *S*

Best Friends

We've been through some things Some good and some bad We've talked and we've laughed And we've cried when we're sad You've given advice, when you think that you should You've never once given up, when you knew that you could You've been my shoulder, to lean on and cry And never once have you asked yourself why This is the way that you are and the way that you'll be And all that do know you, can plainly see That you're one in a million, and I am so proud To stand up and say it so clear and so loud That through everything you've always been there To reach out your hand and tell me you care For this I am thankful for I know there's no end To this wonderful person I call my best friend ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


We all have been looking for something you see We enter the chat and be whatever we want to be So harmless we think, for who's going to know Whether we're honest or put on a show. But feelings are real whether here or real life Some feelings are good other's cut like a knife How can this be? This is fantasy or is it? We stop and we think and the reality hits. The people we type to aren't make believe They laugh, and they smile and sometimes they grieve We have been there for support, and have helped all we can Now if they weren't real, could we love a real man? My feelings seem genuine, my tears fall like rain How can this be possible if this all is a game? I know my mind well, and confusion is there I don't understand and it gives me a scare I just need some time to sort out these things I'll be gone for awhile but you know my heart sings For the friends I have made, the ones who are there The ones who have shown me that they really do care. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These poems were created by the genius mind of Nadia *S**whispering* You like that girl? *L*

Rain Against the Lake

Like a lake I am still and peaceful, When not tampered with. I'd welcome the rain with it's kind and gentle touch, But the wind is harsh destroying my currents blowing the rain away. If the wind is strong enough and picks me up it controls me, Using my rage as her tool of destruction. But when it leaves me to be still again, I regret what i have done. For I know the rain will never fall on me the same way as before, Will I be scared if it's one of many experiences I must endure.

©1997 by Zooropa DarkWorlds Inc. Scar, ON This Poem has been Revised This was the first of many poems I showed to someone special to me ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


So much like the phoenix I rise from the ashes Never to look back Until I find myself in them once more The ashes The problems I go back too eventually Like an on going crysallide I emerge somewhat different each time Never to look back Until I find myself in it once more The crysallide The changes that happen to me each time I have bad habits and I don't care what anyone says about them I'm arrogant too proud to admit defeat I'm stubborn yeah I know I'm not easy to deal with But I am understanding I'll listen and maybe agree I'm independant I don't need anyone taking care of me I'm hot tempered and that's just because it's in my blood I'm outspoken usually too frank for people to deal with But I am honest and trust is very important to me But there is always things slowing me down Making me human Making me who I am My compassion Being naive Being sheltered Being passive Always Proud My caring side The love I show And the respect I give They make me stop and think They tie me down But if I didn't have them I guess I wouldn't be me ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is one of Tana's first poems. She's real proud of it & I think she has every right to be.Girl keep them coming. I can't wait to put more on here *hugz*

Riding Free

We met one dark warm summer night.. His blue eyes shown bright against the light... Little did we know when our eyes met... That it was the wind that would take us yet.. To a place where we would love.. And all would see us from above. On his bike I felt so free... "He's no good," they kept telling me. Foolish was I to pretend to see... When I realized we were meant to be. I had no fear to be behind .... This rider who was oh so kind.. Little did the others know.. What we shared when they would go. About their merry ways they went... We just rode where we were sent.. Along the roadside we stopped to rest... The flowers he picked were the very best. In silence we enjoyed the morning sun... A brand new day had just begun.. Yes through the night we did ride.. Never did I leave his side. Seasons came and they did go .. What was to come I did not know.. One night a kiss with tears did find... All would soon be left behind. The news and shock I could not stand.. This was not the way we had things planned.. Too late, I'm sorry, my precious love... Please watch over me from above. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This section is of poems from a new friend whom is like all the other people on this sub-page, very talented. This guy is definately one to meet. His handle is forever changing but always has the word tickle *thinking....a hint?* *L* *S* The handle I met him under is,TickleMyElbow

Sequence of nothing

Why? Is the question one cannot relate to When the answers always forsake you Have you really ever thought about the choices That turn against you with angry voices And feeling alone driving mad damage to the brains That you can count on but youre really on your own In this cold world Welcome to the sequence of nothing Everything divides into simplicity Wondering how the days flew by Because the pain is the only subject On everyones mind I guess I'll take a number and wait in line... Cant correct the mistakes we give The state of confusion is the only remedy Feeling sorry when you dont reply I best better run out of here Cause fear is the only choice we have chiseling our life in time.. Why cant anyoe hear me? Why cant I feel free What does it take to be you The one with reason to feel this way But I explored my mind And started feeling a great shudder Because we all live this way Into the sequence of nothing Dont repeat what I say Because the dejavu will hit you again.... Decades of silence.. Years of pain... Months of whispering fools... Dont forget the weekends we crave.. As the days grow into hours And seconds are only eons away AS we all travel into the sequence that is nothing.. And everything I want will never return again. **************************************************************************************

The Distance Factor

Gasoline, fueling my ways Shut tight, wondering where you are Midnight busting wheels into asphalt Silver coated brand names Are the connections that transport us.. Will you drift to me..... Are you a drifter too? My thoughts are shaded into the shadows I cant replace and I wont forget Drift into my life And leave without a care Because the distance factor took you there And now your a jaded memory... Dead diary, roaming inside my head Brain damaged, from all the love you left for dead Swinging pendulum, watching me closely AS I waste my time thinking of you And all the wants and needs that I lost to you Are you drifting away again? The sea of memory you are Freedom speaks so softly But I rather be a prisoner chained to the one I need Cause the pain is already there And Im already jailbait with the feelings that I bleed Drifting to me sliding away ino the other direction Forgot your keys but you wont retreive them SO now Im locked up in this cell and I cant escape As you drift away I scream in silence... And all I heard was your name ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~