The Ultimate Materia Set-Up

By: sghetti


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Before We Begin

First of all I want to say that I have read many FAQ's pertaining to the weapons. All of them are good in their own right but they also seemed a little incomplete and at points looked as if the writers were just guessing and having you throw in a bunch of stuff you don't need just to fill in some space on their FAQ. Not here. I'm going to tell you what you need, how to equip and pair it and, how to execute the perfect attack with it.

The Materia

Out of all the materia you have to choose from in Final Fantasy VII you really only need a chosen few. The following is a quick run-down of those materia that you should concentrate on getting and, if you're patient enough, mastering.

Materia QTY Level Needed
Final Attack 1 Mastered
Phoenix 1 Doesn't Matter
Knights of the Round 2 One Mastered
Master Summon 1 This one is obvious
W-Summon 1 Mastered
HP Absorb 1 Mastered Suggested
MP Absorb 1 Mastered Suggested
Magic Counter 1 Mastered
MP Turbo 1 Doesn't Matter
Mime (optional) 3 Mastered

I'd like to add that if your HP and MP are not at 9999 and 999 respectively without HP and MP Plus materia then you should equip enough of each to get to those levels. It is absolutely vital.

Now head on out and get these materia where I indicated level wise. I'm currently working on an AP guide to help folks build materia as fast as possible. So check back later for that FAQ. Once you get the materia where they need to be move on to the next section.

Weapons, Armor, Accessories

This is the easiest part of the whole tactic. Whomever you intend to use to do the attacking needs to be equipped with his/her ultimate weapon. Armor isn't too big a deal as long as you have a maximum of paired materia slots. The only accessory you should worry about for Ruby is the Ribbon. It protects your character against any negative status effects and Ruby loves to throw them at you. Beyond that, you're wasting your time.

Final Prepartions Before The Battle

Your next task before heading in to fight Ruby is simple. Get into a little battle outside the Gold Saucer area with some weak enemies and kill off the other two members of your party. I'll explain this in a moment. Now it's time to equip the materia. Follow the chart below for the proper pairings.

Materia 1 Materia 2 Effect
Final Attack Phoenix Revives party when equipped member is killed
Knights of the Round HP Absorb Whenever KOTR is used, HP is absorbed from the enemy
Magic Counter Knights of the Round Any time the equipped member is hit for damage loss, he/she counters with KOTR
Master Summon MP Abosrb Any time any summon is used the equipped member absorbs MP from the enemy
W-Summon MP Turbo Gives a slight boost to any summon you use, making it more effective

Into the Fight

Just before you go in to fight Ruby be sure to make two saves. One save for the actual game and another so that you can go back any time and beat up on Ruby. After the save it's time to kick some butt.

As soon as you get into the battle screen Ruby will bury his claws in the sand. Begin your attack by using W-Summon to cast Knights of the Round twice. After the first KOTR, Ruby should hit you with Ultima. Don't worry, if he manages to kill you with this you will immediately cast Phoenix and your entire party will be revived. If this is the case, continue with the W-Summon KOTR with your main character and use Mime with the others.

In the event that Ruby does not kill you, you will cast KOTR again and also regain ALL HP and MP lost due to the attack from Ruby. The battle continues like this until Ruby dies.


The simple premise behind this whole tactic is that any time you get hit, you cast Knights of the Round. Plus, any time you cast Knights of the Round, you regain ALL HP and MP. With the materia paired as is you are invincible to ANY enemy except maybe the Ghost Ship who likes to just throw you out of the battle. Of course, Ghost Ship is nothing to a character at this point.

And that's it! You now know how to be invincible in Final Fantasy VII. Good luck to you and have fun!