Last updated November 08, 2002 @ 0317


Eric's Pride and Joy!!

To those of you that have taken the time to read and sign the guest book, thank you! It helps me out a lot. To all of Eric's friends that visit this site, this site is for you, it's to better help us cope with what has happened. I know that it's hard, but there's a reason for everything. This tribute to Eric will never be taken down, unless the flag that he so much loved falls. To most of you, you think that this is a wonderful thing to do, but to those that knew Eric, it was the RIGHT thing to do. I know that many of you guys haven't seen it, and prolly won't, but please get everyone that you can to see it, for the memories that are on this page are ones that will last a life time! Eric Br0, where ever you are man, please watch over all of us, and make sure no harm comes our way. To Mom, Clara, and Court. Please as many people as you can get to sign this guest book, please do this is my way of coping with the pain, and the hurt. Everytime that I see something new on here, that you guys have put, it makes me happy. Please if you have anything that you'd like to have put on here, please e-mail it to me at KYMEDIC1980@AOL.COM and I'll be sure to put it on here next time I update. Speakin of which, sorry it's been so long, but with my new job, I"m workin almost everyday, and it's hard to keep it up, but I promise that it will be done soon! Like I said send it to me, please in the subject part put Eric's name, that way I know it isn't junk e-mail from the porno places that I get a ton of every day. Other then that guys, keep yer head up, and yer chin up as well, things will get better, that's a promise that's made to everyone. Please take care, and God Bless you all. -Tweeder-

First off guys sorry for the update being so far gone, secondly, please excuse the spelling, Im 'balling my eyes out. In case ya didn't know at the Daytona 500 Dale Earnhardt Senior was killed in the last lap, pronounced dead at the Halifax Medical Center IN Daytona at 5:16 Pm From his injuries. I feel it is only a fitting tribute to Dale to put him on this page with my Brother Eric. I think Eric wouldn't have a problem with that, and I hope that it's okay with all the friends. Dale kinda died the same way Eric did, and left behind a lot of things much like Eric, it's sad to see the passing of two GREAT people in this world, that made it such a better place to live. But Eric is up there with Dale riding high in the Chevy #3 Car, and loving every minute of it. So To Eric and Dale you both are VERY sadly missed. I still think about you both everynight, again sorry guys, but Im 'ballin my eyes out, so if there's a problem with what I have done tell me. The song that best discribes the both of them, and how I feel is Dimond Rio's ONE MORE DAY, because damnit if I could could have spent one more day with my Brother Eric, maybe this would be much easier on me, maybe not, but I'll never know either way, and every day I kick myself in the ass that I didn't, and Eric, damnit bro Im' so sorry I didn't, I hope that you will forgive me, and tell me that it's alright, because believe it or not your friends loved you more then life itself, and that's a fact. Please Br0, don't be mad, and I'm sorry, I'd given anything for it to have been me insted of you, Eric you ARE loved, and VERY sadly missed, Have fun flying with Dale Br0, because Lord knows it's what you both wanted to do!

This is everyone at Eric's funeral, I promise there's a truck there!

To Clara, Mom, this page is in his memory. For a person is not dead until all those that know him have died as well. You know as well as I do that Eric will never die, the people that pass through this web sight, and that take the time to read about him, they will never forget him. For this is a living tribute to the best friend a guy could ask for. It is with this that i will as you guys that know Eric to send me an E-mail, if you want something printed on here, I will be more then happy to put it up here. IT'll have to be on my days off when i can do it, but it will be up here. Mom, please rest easy, for Eric is home now! To the rest of you guys, GOD BLESS YOU ALL! To Eric, Br0, I love you to death, please take care where ever you are, and please watch out for us all! Take care guys. -James Matthew-

Hello once agian everyone, yes i have found time to update once again! Not gonna do much, just change a few things, and my mailto tonight, and a few other things. I've got my gal to worry about tonight, she's not feeling so well, so I've gota talk to her! We are nearing the 3rd anniversity of Eric's death, and yeah it hurts, but everything will be okay, the greaving process is almost over, well for most of us, i promise as soon as i can get more pics i'll put them up here! i'll talk to all of y'all later! --James Matthew--

I know guys it's been a long time, almost a year since I updated this page, with work, and the better half, i don't have much time to anything. I thought I'd just let y'all know that Im' still kicking and screaming, and that I haven't forgot about my bro. To all of those that took the time to read the page, thanks. to all of those that have no idea what the site, let alone what the page stands for, take the time to read it, don't e-mail me with your raciest comments, and crap. I get so sick of hearing that crap, so DON'T E-MAIL ME. IN the mean time to those that do visit it on a basis, please bear with me, and keep the faith alive. Until then, I'll be in touch with y'all. Please if you can't get through to some of the pages, then e-mail me, and I'll see what I can do. If there's a problem, please let me know. I'll do my damnest to fix the problem. There was a lot of problems when Yahoo, and Geocities merged, and I realized that, I think I have worked most of those kinks out, I know that there is a few still in there, and I dunno how to fix them, but Im' trying. As for the download of the songs, the ol' cat that was 'pose to help me bailed on me, so now I have to do it all alone, and it's takina lost of time, and effort. Please just bear with me, and we'll get it up and running like it was before the merger. Until then, keep your pride, and let the flag fly high, for we a United, and if they don't believe that, then they can all go straight to hell. De Opresso Liber Tweeder

A sad day of loss for us
When reality really hit home, this is what it was.
Eric being taken for one last ride, many tears were shed then
The first of nearly 75 cars to follow Eric to his resting place
Eric at the beach in FL
Eric's senior pic, what a sharp lookin boy
Courtney (Eric's girlfriend) standin behind Eric's truck with he pall bears

Just to make sure that you guys have read the Disclaimer, it is the link to the next page, READ IT!! Don't e-mail me whining about it hurt yer feelings, or that I'm raciest, or what not, If you click on that link, you have agreed to hold no one responisible but yerself! Have fun!!

Dale Earnhardt's Corner

To many of us Dale Earnhardt Senior was a man that was larger then life, that seemed to be more like a hero, or one of those God's in the mythical tales. No one ever thought in a Million Years that Dale would be dead at the age of 49. His almost 30 year span in NASCAR was lived by many victories, and many friends, and you either liked Dale, or you hated him there was no in between. Dale made friends everywhere he went, and made a lot of enemies out on the track that he so much loved. His aggressive style of racing dubbed him the "Intemidator" because he drove like it was his last race. His last race was Feb 18, 2001 at Daytona International Speedway, He was killed in the last lap of the Daytona 500, and pronounced dead at 5:16 PM at the Halifax Regional Medical Center in Daytona of injuries that he suffered as a result of the accident. Dale was the best driver in the NASCAR circit, and yeah that's questionable, but everyone knows it is. I hope that through this page you will find that Dale had MANY loyal friends and family, and that he was VERY WELL LOVED by his fans. Dale Buddy I know you can see this page, here's to you Bud. Okay this is takin a lil longer then I thought it would. I might just make a whole nother page for Dale, I'll wait a few weeks, you guys tell me what ya think, and I'll go from there!!!! If that's okay, drop me an E-mail, if ya want it on this page, please tell me! I'll get to it when you guys tell me what ya want! Until then later!


If you are not a redneck or a rebel, then stay out of this web page. If you find anything offensive past this point, I or the rest of my crew will not be held responsible for the offensive material from this point on. By clicking on the link above, you agree to release us and geocities from an harm, or hurt feelings. Thanks and enjoy.