Howdy! I'm Quarter Moon
More stuff being added, so bear with me...

Bonds's 73 Homers, 2001
McGwire's 70 Homers, 1998
Foreigner's View Of Fan Fair
Kathy's Clowns at Fan Fair 2000
A Brief History Of Calendars
Stolen, English Version
Stolen, French Version (sort of)
The "Politics" Index
About this site generally:
I've made extensive use of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS1), which are supposed to make it easy to design pages to appear as you want them. Unfortunately, Microsoft and Netscape can't agree on what to implement and how to implement it; therefore, Netscape and IE4 users may not see what I've intended. The pages were authored using IE5. When will these people actually get on the same page of the playbook?