Our Family

Carole and I

There is advertising on the right hand side of this picture. To remove this click on the double arrow in the upper left corner. This is a picture of Carole and I taken in 2005 on the occasion of our 50th wedding anniversary. It was taken in the garage at our cabin.

Carole and I

Carole and I taken in April 2006.

Julia, Carole, Anne and I

Carole and I, our daughter Anne and our granddaughter Julia taken in April 2006.

Family shot

This is a family picture taken at our cabin on the occasion of our 50th wedding anniversary. From left to right daughter Anne, Ted, Carole, son Greg, son Brian and squatting in front son in law Thom Sedgwick.

Granddaughter Julia

This is a studio picture of Julia. The photographer at Sears is a family friend and when he got a bunch of new equipment and props for taking pictures he had Julia brought in to test it all out. She is 3 1/2 in the picture.

Daughter Anne, Son-in-Law Thom and Granddaughter Julia at 33 months.

This is our daughter Anne, her husband Thom and their daughter Julia taken when Julia was 33 months old.

Daughter Anne,and Granddaughter Julia at 4 years.

This is our daughter Anne and her daughter Julia taken when Julia was 4 years old.

Granddaughter Julia

This is a picture of our granddaughter Julia at 4 years.

My two grandchildren

Picture taken in August 2004 of our grandchildren Dave and Julia in a boat near our cabin.

Brian and David

This is our son Brian and grandson David.


This is our grandson David at age 13.

Anne and Greg

This is Anne and Greg taken Christmas eve 1999.

Dave at age 12

This is Grandson on his 4 wheeler at age 12.

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