Johnny's Page

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Ok, after giving it a thought, I finally have made my mind that we should make a family web page. Since getting a Rogers @Home cable web connection, Jonathan and Mark has been always asking me - how do they make those cool web pages? My answer was ohm... I must be out of date. 

The first thing we did was buy a scanner. Future Shop sells them cheap now. Then, I attended a Microsoft demo of FrontPage 2000 and they made it look so easy to use it. So it seems. So the learning process begins...

So we have the tools, but what do we do? It is like going to Home Depot - so many tools, so materials, but you need to create the final product yourself. What is there to write? I must examine myself and reveal to the world about myself. Unless you are a writer( I am not) or an artist (I am not), creating a web page must be a very tedious process.