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The people... United. This is quite possibly the worst movie ever filmed. This site is the asylum in Essex County, NJ, USA where this remarkable work was filmed. Sadly, the sanitarium is now demolished.

Doom Asylum 2 coming soon as soon as I get the web space!! That's right...

unless I hear from whomever owns the rights! The last time I looked Academy Entertainment went under 10 years ago so whomever does please contact me if you have any worries. ;)

Jethro Tull's Ian Anderson... on kittens.

Joe Jackson on smoking (or lack therof) in New York bars
From the NY Times... this is interesting

Bruce Campbell
Yes. The actor from the "Evil Dead" films.

This is funny as hell. Thanks to Kevin Smith for this one from Clerks. The song is sung by the Russian metal guy hanging out with Silent Bob and Jay. (The song's at the top of the page.) Don't read it at work.

[he's got Moxie!]
More to come

Funny as hell!!!

Same vein as above, except with signs.

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crazy stuff

Lime Cat

My Cat Hates You

Skateboarding Bulldog

I love my Bonsai Kitten!