Some Astonishing Things I Have Found Scribbled in My Notebook (Not Necessarily by Me) of Now Forgotten Origins:

"I'm just going to kick back and think about myself right now, so fuck you all."

"He could be at home playing with my underwear right now."

"Soybean breast implants."

"Sleeps well with others."

"I hope you know that if I so choose, I have the will and power to completely destroy you."

"All men over 26 are fucking lunatics."

"Expense account, my ass."

"Cow tipping is not just a myth."

"A goat's not natural to our bioregion. We should be fucking Coho salmon."

Plus the words "femme fatale" surrounded by an outline of the state of Texas.


Leave Now, For I Am Poorly Attired

i was telling him how
i had a favorite dictionary and how
this was surely a sad thing
he only wanted to know
which one

later, sex was impossible
it was all my fault
and i cried to prove it
"this isn't a movie," he said


You'll never know pain
godamned intellectual
until I show you

Travel is Dumb

In a smooth mineral shell
a lifetime is spent
bathed by the sea

low tide twilight
salt saturated
gentle rest

eyes could be small,
and unimportant

Pressure's On

Obsession born from
an overjuiced gland
is something fun to do
But don't flatter yourself
it's nothing to do
with you

Post-It Love Notes

what do I see in you
but pieces of me
and the sea in you
between liquid layers
hips writhing like snakes
and one lonely player
whose knowledge I fake
surfaces scattered
reflections shatterd
god's breath drawn
out over the waves
makes me think it's your
tongue that I crave

Let's Use Technology to Create Large Synthetic Wombs and Live in Them

Who is responsible
for scattering I's and we's
like seeds
grave malodorous
and harsh misdeeds
a process of random selection
or careful reflection
many claims are made
property, unity
two can become 1-
one is bound to splinter and scatter
artifice and antimatter
lite rock, less talk.

L.A. Far Away

cappucino machine
chili burrito
one oh seven degrees
bus driver rambling
redundant rules
"points of interest"
in Arizona, buffalo soldier
Hollywood set
starring Clint Eastwood,
Kurt Russell, Danny Glover.
Danny Glover?