This is the pictorail review of the great Supercool roadtrip of March 1999. High points of the trip included watches stopping, cash registers printing in hexidecimal, and hotel fire alarms blaring. Oh, Kyle and I also got free pizza at the Hilton. Yeah, we stayed at the Hilton. Oh, the final high point is that we didn't kill each other. Although we came close. Very close.

Chuck in MoscowThis is yours truly outside of our first stop of Moscow. Obviously, it's pretty early, like 8am.
Chuck and Joe in LondonStop 2 took us to London. Joe and I are sporting our superhero shirts. Unseen is Kyle with his Superman shirt.
Joe in AthensThe final city on our first day was Athens. By now, we were a little tired and desperate to find some kind of sign. We'd already stopped in Circleville where Joe got his Hypno-Jacket which he now sports.
Kyle in ParisAfter a heavy snow the first night, we trekked on to Paris. We made Kyle get out for the pictures.
Kyle in LisbonStill snowing, once more Kyle gets elected to get out. It was tough to find a sign in Lisbon. I actually drove around the block while Joe and Kyle got the picture.
Chuck and Kyle in ViennaBy now, the snow's stopped. In Vienna, Kyle and I get our first picture together, Joe buys some sausages (get it?), and we also see:
Joe at ChurchThe greatest sermon ever. EVER.
Chuck and Joe in BerlinAfter a stay at a fancy hotel, day 3 kicks off in Berlin. We're refreshed and ready to end this god damn trip.
Joe and Kyle in WarsawAfter comics in Ft. Wayne, we made our way to Warsaw. It was dark, we were desperate, we used the sewage center. Also, note Joe trying to change the light bulb. of Poland.....changing light bulbs. Trust me, it's funny.

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