to my
And when I say "FREE" I mean it!!
As far as I'm concerned, when someone says FREE,
There should be "NO STRINGS" attached.
That means you do NOT! and I repeat, DO NOT!!
have to link back to my pages or display a logo on your page,
as to where you got your graphics.
Yes, I do have a logo but it is entirely up to you,
as to wheather you want to display it or not.
That should only be required if you purchase the graphics.

If you are interested in having me design a web page set for your personal use
and do not want anyone else using the set, please email me at this address.
I will do your set for a $20.00 per page fee.
If you have a picture or an idea please include the picture
in gif or jpg format with your letter to me.
I will instruct you where to send the money order.
( No personal checks please)

Here you will find side border backgrounds,
sets, plain backgrounds and whatever else I can dream up.
All I ask is that you do not link directly to these pages.
Just "click" on what you want and
to your hard drive, floppy disk, zip drive or CD burner.
On the next page is a list of what I have so far.
So grab a cup or glass of you favorite beverage, Kick Back and browse.
Maybe you will find something that you like. I hope so any way.
I have placed 25 backgrounds on each page 
so you don't have to change pages constantly to see things.
I have found in my web brousing that I don't like changing pages for every item.
It takes so much time just loading pages.
I have therefore chosen this style of displaying things. 
The only exception will be my sets which will each have a separate page, 
so you can see what they will look like on your page.
All the backgrounds on each page are displayed smaller than their actual size.  
But that should give you an idea of what they look like.
When you save them you will get the right size.
Most of them are about 100 picils high and 800 or 900 wide. 
If you need them wider just email me and I will fix them for you.
The pages with sets are shown in actual sizes. 
I'm rather new at this type of thing 
but I am really enjoying what I have been able to accomplish so far.  
All my graphics are done in Paintshop Pro 5.  
I use photos, pictures and whatever other bits and piece I think will make something nice.
So have fun and enjoy your stay.
Thank You

And Remember!

Gladina of the Blue Mist
Below is the Logo for your pages.
If you wish to let folks know where you got your graphics.
But Remember, It is NOT required.


Graphics by
Gladina's Graphics
Page designed and maintained by
Gail Durland

AKA Gladina of the Blue Mist

Proud Member of:
"The Graphics Ring"

Graphics Ring
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I"m so sorry you are unable to listen
to good midis on my web site any more.
But because of new laws
all of us on the inter net are in danger
of lawsuits if we use them.
So you will have to enjoy my web site without music.
for more information click here: