A Holy Place


    Ode to a Waterfall


My heart sighs with pleasure as I look upon your grace.
How my soul has longed to find this holy place,
And watch your cascading flow give birth to healing rainbows;
God’s promises that wipe away all of life’s petty hurts and woes,
And smell the fragrant flowers nourished by your loving mist
Blooming in the supple earth by your magic kissed.
To hear the thundering whisper of life’s quickening essence
Come tumbling down from the heights to find its absolute quintessence.
Would that I could laze my days within your life giving bower,
And taste forever the delicate freshness of your purifying power.

~Bobbi Ann Duffy~


Hope you have a quiet place  to go apart and rest, a holy place

to meditate and put life in  perspective.


Graphic by Gran Gran
