This is Heather and I's OFFICIAL Ranch MEETING page... we will post any pics of ranch meetings that you send us...but make sure you include names... both Net and Real please!!!!!! Here are the pics we have. Real names appear first then net names
This is the first major Meeting Heather and I had. Pictured from left to right is Sarah, KanSunflower; Heather, Hickhunter1920; Jaosn, One_Wet_Cowboy; Jen, Kancowgirl; and Angele, Lookin4acwby.
This is a picture of another Ranch meeting. From Left to Right... Whitney, KS_CowboyRopinCowgirl; Jen, Kancowgirl; Mike, UntamedCowboy; kneeling... Sarah, KanSunflower; Angele, Lookin4acwby.
This is yet another Ranch meeting... Us KANSAS girls are good at this you see!!!! This pic is hard to tell WHOS WHO!!!! But I will try...ok From left to right... Jen, Kancowgirl; Kaitrin, Kaitrin; Heather, Hickhunter1920; Michelle, doesnt chat; Matt, Mat569; Sean, Texaggie95; Whitney, KS_CowboyRopinCowgirl; Angele, Lookin4acwby; Mike, UntamedCowboy; and his Fiancee, Anna, Lil_One.