Samenvatting van mijn gegevens over Marie du Cloux, vrouw van Jesse de Forest

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Compilatie van de gegevens die ik heb over 
Marie du Cloux en Jesse de Forest:

Marie du Cloux
      -ged.17-11-1577 [1] (of 1580? [5] of 1582 ?[8]) te Sedan 
      als dochter van Nicaise du Cloux, 
      kasteelheer van Chateau Regnaut, en van Marie Aubertin. 
      Doopgetuigen waren meester Jean du Cloux, baljuw van Sedan, 
      en zijn vrouw Francoise Roland [1,2,3].
      x 23-9-1601 te Sedan [2,3,6,8,9] of 21-9-1601 ? [10]
Jesse de Forest
      -geb.1575 [4,6,10] of 1576 [5] te Avesnes, Hainaut, Frankrijk [5,10], 
	zoon van Jean de Forest en Anne Maillard [5].
      overl. 1624 [4] te Commaribo [6] in Guiana (Zuid Amerika) [8] 
      tijdens een bootreis vanaf west Indie [5].

       -Marie is 23-4-1600 te Sedan getuige bij de doop van Estienne
       zoon van Jean du Cloux en Magdelaine de Franchemont [1,3,7].
       -Marie is 9-12-1601 te Sedan getuige bij de doop van Magdelaine,
       dochter van Jean du Cloux en Magdelaine de Franchemont [1,3].
       -Marie is 12-2-1602 te Sedan getuige bij de doop van Marguerite,
       dochter van Estienne du Cloux en Susanne Peltier [1,3].
       -Marie is 27-7-1608 te Sedan getuige bij de doop van Magdelaine,
       dochter van Estienne du Cloux, koopman, en Susanne Peltre [1].

	 -Jesse is wolkoopmante Sedan in 1602, 1608 [10]
	 -Jesse is in 1608 inwoner van Montcornet, en was daar koopman en verver, 
  	  als partner van zijn zwager David de Lambremont [10].
	 -tussen 1608-1615 is niet bekend waar Jesse verbleef, in die periode 
 	  vluchtte hij naar Holland [10]
	 -Jesse woont in 1615 te Leiden waar hij meester ambachtsman is, en een licentie
	  heeft om in kleuren te mogen verven [10].
	 -zie verder de tekst in bijlage 1.
       -Emigreren eerst van Sedan naar Leiden. Dan naar Nieuw Amsterdam
       (New York) [7].

1.	Marie, geb. 7-7-1602 te Sedan, Meuse, Frankrijk  [5,6,10], jong gestorven [10]
2.	Jean, geb. 22-7-1604 te Sedan [5,6,10], overl. 6-4-1688 Leyden [6].
		 x9-3-1633 Leyden met
		 Marie Vermeulen
3.	Henri/Hendrick, geb. 7-3-1606 te Sedan [5,6,10], 
		 overl. juli 1638 Nieuw Amsterdam [5] of 26-7-1637 [6].
		 ???x .... Montagne [5] ??? (seems incorrect to me)
		 x 1-7-1636 met
		 Gertrude Boonstra [6]
4.	Elisabet, geb. 1-11-1607 te Sedan [5,6,10], jong gestorven [10]
5.	David, geb. 11-12-1608 te Sedan [5,6,10], jong gestorven [10]
6.	Rachel, geb. 1609 te Sedan [5,8,10], 
		 of wellicht geb. te Montcornet,Picardy, Frnkrijk? [6]
		 overl. 1643 in Verndal, NY, USA [4] of
		 te Nieuw Amsterdam [5]?.
		 x 12-12-1626 te Leiden [6,8]
		 Jean Mousnier (of Johannes[5,8]) de la Mantagne, geb. 1593 in Saintes, 
		 provincie Sain in Frankrijk [4], overl. 1670 [4]
7.	Anne, geb. 1611, wellicht geb. in Montcornet, Picardy [6].
8.	Nicaise, geb. 1613, wellicht geb. in Montcornet, Picardy [6]
9.	Jesse, geb. 1-3-1614 [5] of 1615 te Leiden [6,10], overl. 1639 [5].
		 x 1634 met .... [6]
10.	Isaac, ged. 10/ged.11-[6?]7-1616 te Leiden [5,6,10], 
		 overl.1674 Nieuw Amsterdam [5,6]
             Beroep: Tabaksplanter, tabaksverkoper, brouwer.
		 Isaac emigreerde van Nederland naar Amerika met het schip 
  		 "Rensselaerwyck" samen met zijn zuster Rachel. Ze vertrokken 25-9-1636 
             uit Amsterdam en arriveerden 5-3-1637 in New Amsterdam [5,6].
	       x 9-6-1641 te Nieuw Amsterdam (New York) met [5,6]
	       Sara du Trieux, dochter van Philippe en Susanna du Chesne
		 geb. ca. 1624 Nieuw Amsterdam [5], overl.9-11-1692 Nieuw Amsterdam [5]
11.	Israel, geb. 7-10-1617 te Leiden [5,10], jong gestorven [10]
12.	Philippe, geb. 13-9-1620 (of 7-10-1617? [6]) te Leiden [10], jong gestorven [10]

Marie du Cloux was een dochter van:

Nicaise (Nicassius [9]) du Cloux
	geb. voor ca. 1540, overl. na 14-4-1601 [1].
	zoon van Jean du Cloux en (wschl.) Francoise Roland
	x voor ca. 1564 [1,2,3]
Marie Aubertin
        geb. voor ca. 1540
        dochter van Louis Aubertin (?en Artuze Croyer?) [2]

	-Nicaise woont in 1564 te Chateau Regnaut [2]
	-Nicaise is belasting ontvanger te Sedan (jaar?) [3]
	-Nicaise is kasteelheer (Chastelain) van Chateau 
	 Regnaut 17-11-1577 [1,2,3]
	-Nicaise is kapitein van Chateau Regnaut 21-4-1580 [1,3]
	-Nicaise is 28-12-1581 te Sedan peter bij de doop van Marie,
	 dochter van Gerard du Cloux en Francoise Moseph [3]
	-Nicaise is koopman en burger van Sedan op 24-6-1582 [2,3]
	-Nicaise is Md [=marchand/koopman] en burger op 19-6-1583 
	 te Sedan [1,2,3]
	-Nicaise is koopman en burger alh. op 31-3-1585 te Sedan [1,2,3]
	-Nicaise is 28-12-1581 te Sedan getuige bij de doop van Marie
	 dochter van Gerard du Cloux en Francoise Moseph [1]
	-Nicaise is 20-3-1583 getuige bij de doop van Marie,
	 dochter van Jean Stasquin, notaris, en Marie du Cloux [1]
	-Nicaise is 16-4-1598 getuige bij de doop van Louys,
	 zoon van Daniel du Cloux en Jeanne Baillet [1,2,3]
	-Nicaise wordt 5-2-1589 genoemd als vader van Jan die dan trouwt [1]
	-Nicaise is koopman, wonend te Sedan op 14-4-1601 wanneer zijn
	 zoon Estienne trouwt [1,3]
	-Nicaise is handelaar te Sedan op 21-9-1601 wanneer zijn dochter
	 Marie trouwt [10]
	-Nicaise wordt 5-6-1605 te Sedan genoemd als vader wanneer
	 zijn dochter Madelaine trouwt [1]

1.	Jean, geb. voor ca. 1564 [2,6]
	     x 5-2-1589 te Sedan met Marie Brisbar [1]
2.	Daniel, geb. ca. 1570 [2,6]
           x 22-10-1595 te Sedan met Jeanne Baillet
3.	Estienne, geb. 30-6-1575 te Sedan [1,2,3,6], schilder [3]
	     x 14-4-1601 te Sedan met Susanne Peltre [1,3]
4.	Marie, ged. 17-11-1577 te Sedan [1,2,3,6,7]
	     x 23-9-1601 te Sedan met Jesse de Forest [3] (zie boven)
5.	Madelaine, ged. 21-4-1580 te Sedan [1,2,3,6]
6.	Madelaine, ged. 24-6-1582 te Sedan [1,2,3,6]
	     x 5-6-1605 te Sedan met David de Lambermont [1]
7.	Francoise, ged. 19-6-1583 te Sedan [1,2,3,6]
8.	Louis, ged. 31-3-1585 te Sedan [1,2,3,6]

Nicaise du Cloux was een zoon van:

Jean du Cloux
	geb. voor ca. 1515, overl. na 17-11-1577 [2], overl. mogelijk 
	voor ca. 1579 [2,7], overl. zeker voor 1596 [1]
	x [1,3]
Francoise Roland

	-Jean heeft een graad in de rechten in 1566 [3]
	-Jean is "licencie en droit" (meester in de rechten) 1566-1577 [2]
	-Jean is baljuw 1566-1577 te Sedan en 1568-69 van Chateau regnault [2]
       Chateau Regnault is verwoest, maar het dorpje eromheen bestaat nog.
       Het is samengevoegd met Braux en Levrezy, en heet tegenwoordig
       Bogny-sur-Meuse (vlakbij Sedan) [6].
	-Jean is in de jaren 1570 lid van het "conseil souverein" [2]
	-Jean is baljuw (pachter) van de domeinen van Chateau Regnault [3]
	-Jean is redacteur van het gewoonterecht [3]
	-Jean is vertegenwoordiger in de staten-generaal in 1569 [3]
	-Jean is lid van de raad van de vorst in 1575 [3]
	-Jean noemt zich "meester" en is baljuw te Sedan op 17-11-1577 als
	 hij getuige is bij de doop van zijn kleindochter 
	 Marie du Cloux [1,3]
	-Jean sterft voor 3-11-1596, dan wordt hij "wijlen" Jean du Cloux,
	 "bailli de Sedan" genoemd bij het trouwen van zoon Jean.
	-op 20-12-1579 treedt Francoise Roland alleen op als doopgetuige
	 bij de doop van Madeleine, dochter van Gerard du Cloux
	 en Francoise Moseph [2]. In [2] wordt hieruit geconcludeerd dat ze
	 dan waarschijnlijk weduwe zal zijn.
	-in 1588 is Francoise peet bij de doop van Louis, zoon van
	 Nicaise Aubertin en Poncete du Cloux [2]

Kinderen (van Jean en wschl. van Francoise):
1.	Jean [2]
	     x 3-11-1596 te Sedan met Anne de Laval [1,2]
2.	Nicaise, geb. voor ca. 1540 [2,3]
	     x voor ca. 1564 met Marie Aubertin [1,2,3] (zie boven)
3.	Philippe [3]
	     x (1e) Marie [3]/Manon [2] Patoulet, overl. voor 1598 [3]
	     x (2e) Magdeleine Gommeret [3]
4.	Gerard, edelsmid te Sedan [2,3]
	     x Francoise Moseph [2,3]
5.	Poncete [3]
	     (??x Nicaise Aubertin [2]??) (heb ik twijfels bij)
	     x Francois de Beaufort, geb. 1545, overl. 1597
		 hugenoot gevlucht naar Sedan, 
		 arts en apotheker van de prins van Sedan [7]
6.	Francoise [3]
           x Guillaume Colard [6]
           x (2e) 27-3-1583 te Sedan met Jean Deshayes/des Hais
7.	Marie [3]
8.	Antoinette [3]
9.	Elisabeth [3]
10.	Magdeleine [3]
	      (?) x 5-6-1605 David Lambermont [3]


bronnen: (nog door te nemen)
-[1]-Collectie Fiches Waalse Bibliotheek (microfiches CBG)
-[2]-GTMWB 1985, p. 284 e.v.
-[3]-artikel "La Famille du Cloux", gepubliceerd door A.H.G.P. van den Es, in het 
     "bulletin des Eglises Wallones, tome V, livre 3", 1892.
-[4]-Correspondentie met: Linda Leathley, 1998.
-[5]-Correspondentie met: Jeff Amason, 1997.
-[6]-Correspondentie met: Marcie Richie, 1995-1998,
     en aantekeningen via haar gehad van Ann Freehafer Andersen.
-[7]-Correspondentie met: Jan J. de Kloe, 1991.
-[8]-Correspondentie met: Joyce Pruhs, 1993.
-[9]-Correspondentie met: Johan de Boer, 1993.
-[10]-Correspondentie met: Ginny G. Owen, 1993.
	zij verwees naar de in bijlage 1 gecopieerde tekst. 
-[..]-[email nog checken !!]

bijlage 1, uitreksel uit het boek: "Vacherie, St. James Parish, 
      Louisiana: History and Genealogy by Elton J. Oubre", 
	published in 1986, by Oubre's Books, page 744
[many thanks to Ginny Owen for sending me a copy of this page]

	From these records, in 1602 to 1606, Jesse De Forest was a wool
merchant at Sedan. In 1608, he was a resident of Montcornet, where
he was a merchant and dyer in partnership with his brother-in-law,
David de Lambremont. The whereabouts of Jesse De Forest are unknown
for 1608-1615, the period of the flight from Sedan to Holland. By
1615, Jesse was a resident of Leyden in the northern Netherlands.
He was one of a limited number of experts, master artisans, having
license "to dye sergers and camlets in colors." Others had the choice
of black or white dye. (199) 
	Jesse De Forest is notable in historical accounts as the leader
and spokesman for a group of 300 Walloons seeking emigration to the
New World, and his group may have been in contact with the Pilgrims,
who were at Leyden, who later founded the colony at Plymouth. (197,200)
	On july, 1621, Jesse unsuccessfully applied to King James I of
England for permission to settle in Virginia. Generally, he petition-
ed for his followers to settle as a group. The reply to his petition
denied this and granted only permission for scattered settlement among
Virginia colonists. He wrote well in French and singed as "Jesse de
Forest." (197)
	In the year 1621, the Dutch West India Company was formed by a
group of Dutch merchants who were granted the exclusive right to trade
on the west coast of Africa and the West Indies and on the east and
west coasts of America. Having been denied permission to establish a
religious city in Virginia, Jesse and his group joined this company.
	In 1622, Jesse De Forest and his wife and five children and maid
Margriete Can, lived at Leyden on the Breedestraat, within the Alms-
house Quarter. (199)
	On july 1, 1623, Jesse led some of the Walloon Huguenots
to Oyapok, Dutch Guiana, in South America. Then, in the spring of 1624
a group of thirty families, which mostly included Jesse De Forest's
Walloon Huguenots, was sent by the Dutch West India Company to start a
colony in New Netherlands (first called "Nova Belgica") (New Amster-
dam, which later became New York). The Walloons started a settlement
at Fort Orange, now Albany, New York, and by 1625, they settled
Manhattan Island ("New Avesnes"). (190,193,195,196)
	These settlements were expected to reap fortunes out of peltries.
	According to one account, the colonists who founded New York in 
1624, arrived in the month of May on the ship "New Netherlands," which
was escorted by the armed ship "Mackerel." A few of the immigrants
remained at the mouth of the Hudson River, but the greater part of the
group, eighteen families, mostly Walloons, went upriver and settled
Fort Orange where the city of Albany is now. In july, 1625, Manhattan
was settled. In 1626, because of trouble with Indians, the families
at Fort Orange were moved to Manhattan. (193)
	In 1924, a monument was inaugurated in honor of Jesse De Forest
by Raymond Poincare, then president of the Republic of France. The
monument bears the inscription: "In the memory of Jesse de Forest,
his family and his valiant companion and countrymen Walloons, who
sought a new world where they could pursue in peace their beliefs and
practice freedom of religion reform."
	Related in the JOURNAL OF JESSE DE FOREST, in the British Museum,
Jesse and ten heads of families left Leyden on the ship "Pigeon" on
I don't have a copy of pages 745-

The rest of the story was summarised in the notes that
I received from Marcy Richie (many thanks Marcy!) [6]:
On 1 july 1623, Jesse and 10 other men (peres de familles) left Amsterdam
in the "pigeon" for the Amazon and the coast of Guiana, to choose a place
for settlement. Jean de la Montagne was one of the party.
Jesse started a journal of the trip and Jean probably completed it.
Finding the Amazon site crowded with English and Irish settlers who 
complained of raids by the Spanish, the party investigated a site on the
Oyapok River, the border between Brazil and Guiana.
Jesse, Jean and Louis le Marie remained to explore, while the rest of
the company returned to the Netherlands for their families. The three explorers
used the native village of Commaribo as a base, and sailed up and down the coast.
The journal is full of details about crops, minerals, and the customs of the Yaos, 
the native people.
On 13 Oct. 1624 Jesse suffered a sun stroke and fell in faint in the canoe.
Jean and Louis brought him back to Commaribo.
Jesse had a severe fever, but as soon as he felt a little better, he resumed
his activities.
He had a second sun stroke and died of the ensuing fever.
Jean reported in the journal:
"On the 22nd of October, our said captain died, much regretted by the
Christians and the Indians, who had taken a great liking to him."
Jean and Louis returned to the Netherlands in 1625.
Marcy gives the following sources/books for the de Forest family:

-De Forest, J.W., "The de Forests of Avesnes",
 CT: Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, 1900
-De Forest, Mrs. Robert W., "A Walloon family in America: Lockwood de Forest
 and his Forebearers 1500-1848; Together with a Voyage to Guiana, Being the
 Journal of Jesse de Forest and his Colonists 1623-1625", Vol. 2,
 Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1914.
-Kruger, Earl, and Vivian Kruger, "The family of Rachel (De Forest) de la
 Montagne.", Society of descendants of Johannes de la Montagne Newsletter,
 Vol. 2, No. 2 (spring 1984), p. 118
-New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, "Collections of the New-York
 Genealogical and Biographical Society". Vols. 1 (marriages 1639-1801 in the
 Dutch Reformed Church, New York); 2 (baptisms from 1639 to 1730 in the
 Reformed Dutch Church, New York); 3 (baptisms from 1731 to 1800 in the Reformed
 Dutch Church, New York). New York: printed for the Society, 1890-
-Randolph, Howard S. F., "The House of Truax.", New York Genealogical and
 Biographical Record, Vol. 57 (July, Oct. 1926, Jan. 1927)
-Riker, James, "Revised History of Harlem (City of New York): Its Origin
 and Early Annals". New York: New Harlem Pub., 1904.

( samengesteld door: Jos de Kloe. )
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