A New World

A place for me to rest


Well this is my newest Homepage.This one is unlike the other because I acutaly tell about myself. My Real name is Benjamin Michael Gabriel Jackson. I am 24 and very much in love with computers and females on the internet. It has been Six months since I have joined the internet family and in that time I have created a series of hompages and have written 300 new poems. I love poetry and every time i write i get insiped to start a new book. check out my latest poem.

Since coming into the net I have been many plaves and explored many things. After you finish reading about me go and check out the rest of the pages at the bottom of the screen. Now let me tell you a little more about myself. Currently I am in college attending Xavier Universityin New Orleans. I am a senior Accounting major. At school I am involed in many activities. I am a member of NABA National Assoication of Black Accoutants. I also am involved with the campus ministry on Xavier. Also I love being part of campus government, in the SGA and also volunteer my time in tutoring young childeren at a near by school.

For all that view this page I would like to give a shout out to the best class that Xavier has. CLASS OF 1997 IS "STRIVING FOR EXCELLENCE"

Now let me tell you about my friends. I have alot of cool friends but my best friends are my Brothers Steven and Brandon. I have a close friend who is more like my brother. His name is Courtney. We all enjoy life and play the games to the fullest. I also have friends that I love to the fullest
Monje' Angela Monique*Heather**Eva**Shona**Jacque*
and many others that I can not name off-hand. A person that means so much to me is my friend Babygirl. She is someone who is extremely special to me and I would not let anyone take her place in the world. She is the rose of my life and the worlds Greatest Mickey Mouse fan that I know.

The rock of my life is my mom who is always there for me no matter what is going on in life I can turn to her and know that everything will be alright. I look to her when I seek advice and other things that conflict with everyday life. My aunt is another rock for me, along with my mentors John Whitmore and Mnsg. Joesph Nugent. These people mean an awful lot to me and are concern with my success ion life and I thank them for that.

Well this is about all I can tell you for now cause my poetry is still unsdert construction and until next time let the Flame of life be with you always. ...........
I happen to be a person looking for some one to help me with this page.


Magic devil

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