ALL published and UNpublished writers, poets, poetry lovers, playwrights, linguists,
polyglots, GERMAN/French/Russian/Spanish NATIVE speakers, musicians, swimmers
(in the ocean of POETRY & literature, or any warm oceans around the world), world
travellers and CONSERVATIVE Internet surfers, ocean/wind surfers wishing to share
poetry, prose, fiction,nonfiction by famous writers and any masterpieces that YOU
wrote or are writing...??,let's exchange any literary ideas at a coffee shop near SAN FRANCISCO, California or at any beach nearby, CALL me TODAY:
650-YYY-0000 5-10 PM ? daily or best at 8-9 AM Sat/Sundays? (California time). YOUR HOME PHONE# with 8 INFO profile will get MY PHONE#... YOUR HOME PHONE# is a proof of SINCERITY & INTEGRITY, a prerequisite for FREE membership to this new Poetry Club of published and unpublished poets; introduce yourself: your age, city/state? how many
poems/books have you written? published? HOW SOON do you expect to visit SAN FRANCISCO ?
News of the world...always happy news as you see...