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WELCOME To MERMAID's TRAVELs Around the World in 24 Summers!

CLICK to see some of my pictures (with my ONLY child):

  1. Moscow 1983
  2. Share or ROCK MY World!!?
  3. Thinking of Travelling!!?
  4. MY Mona LISA Smile!! Let's go to Museums?
  5. MY Beach Mood at my pool-August 1998
  6. Hong Kong- Aug '99!
  7. Korea l986 (SCROLL the pics !)
  8. MY Bunny! Xmas 1996 (my ONLY child is now a 20y.o.mech. engineer)
  9. Buddha in Taiwan 1986
  10. Parthenon, Greece ,80's
  11. My ONLY cute doll !(half Swedish,now:5'5",future engineer?)
  12. King Tut in EGYPT 88 1988
  13. . Poetry '96 by the HOT Tub? (in MY HOME or a Health Club?)
  14. Australia '85
  15. Hawaii...5 summers!!
  16. Pacifica:Rockaway Beach for poetic inspirations!Sep. '96

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