Who really are my friends?
What are my friends really made-up of?
____Where are my so called friends?
They say that friendship is a volatile investment
You'll never know if you're
gaining from it or not.
It is something unpredictable...
People change, they always do,
either be it for the good or the bad.
For one moment try to forget about ideal friendship
and ponder on what you really can see.
On what you really can perceive...
____Where are most of my friends?
Or what I thought to be friends.
As far as my eyes could see
I helped them when they needed me.
Even to the extent of sacrificing myself
for their sake.____
Hey, I invest in my friendship!
But where are they now?
Now that I need their help,
Now that I need them the most.
____Where are they?
Why can't they be like me?
If not, why can't I just meet people
who are like me?
God gave man his freedom to choose his destiny.
That's why everybody is different.
We have the freedom to choose how
we want ourselves to be.
Besides this world would be pretty boring
if everybody was the same...
I guess that's what makes man dynamic.
I just have to learn how to choose my friends.
Learn how to choose them carefully.____