Porcavacca On Line

Porcavacca On Line - The Art of Stupidity

Hi guys! Welcome to Porcavacca On Line!
If you're feeling too smart and you want to lower your IQ this is the place for you.
English is the only available language, but soon we will do Italian and Latin versions of this cultural page.
In the months to come this page will become the site to find everything that is Stupid and Dumb, so watch this spot.
Public Services
Here you will find our services; now there is only the Porcodio Homepageä, where you can learn how to curse the name of God in a good number of languages.
Now we've got only three features, but there gonna be plenty more in the months to come:
Cows & Co.
For the not Italophones: Porcavacca can be roughly translated as "Holy Cow", so in this page you'll find things related to our horned friends.
Stoopid Links
If Porcavacca is not enough to satisfy your thirst for stupid web pages you can try our links.
It's divided in two sections:
Text only page
Well, you guessed it, it's a text only page..

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Since June 6th 1997 people had nothing better to do than visit this stupid page.
If you have something dumb to tell us, here's our e-mail address:
mailbox porcavacca@geocities.com

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