Palindrome is a word or number that reads same backward or forward. Palindrome's program demonstrates simple Client/Server Interaction. Palindrome_client gives user options such as: using pre-define words, enter user own choice of words, or exit the program. Among other things it gives user choice to which port and which server Palindrome_client has to connect. Palindrome_server takes connection on the agree port from Palindrome_client before it starts processing the word. Once it finishes, Palindrome_server sends back the result to client. |
Crypto demonstrated client/server Interaction. Crypto receives plain string of char then using the agreed crypto's key, crypt_server encrypts the plain word into encrypted word before it sends back to the sender. Pete and Mary are the clients. The interaction between crypt_server, pete, and mary has been predefined. pete is going to be the first sender that initiates the cycle of encrypt/decrypt. pete is going to ask user for the words to be encrypted. Then pete sends the plain word to crypt_server. pete receives the encrypted words. In turn pete sends the encrypted words to mary. pete decrypts the words from mary by sending it to crypt_server. The cycle will end once either user in pete or mary type the keyword: "BYE".
Filecopy is a simple program that investigates the upper limit of the buffer size. By raising and lowering the buffer size, the program measures the time of copying a certain size of file to another file.
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