The Affection Connection
Feline Rescue League

    Welcome to The Affection Connection Feline Rescue League website. We just created this site a short time ago, so there's not much to offer, yet. Below is some information that tells about us, what we do, who we are, and things you can do to help our efforts. Have fun browsing, and if you would like to give us your feedback, drop me an e-mail.

    The Affection Connection Feline Rescue League is a non-profit, non-funded, 501 (c)(3) organization that depends 100% on donations. Our special group of volunteers is what makes our organization special. The Affection Connection (ACRL for short) is dedicated to finding loving, permanent homes for cats and kittens.

    What we do is simple. We rescue innocent cats and kittens from the local pound. Most of the cats we rescue are saved from death row at the pound. From there, we take the cats and kittens to our vet in order to get their proper vaccinations, tests, and additional vet care, if needed. Next, we take the felines to our Half-way House (ACRL's Half-way House is being built as you read) until adopted. None of our cats will be destroyed if they don't get adopted. The cats will stay in the Half-way House until they are adopted, no matter how long it takes.

    Now, you may ask, "Why go through this much trouble JUST for these silly little cats?". The answer to that question is simple. Our group of volunteers is dedicated to finding wonderful homes for ALL of the cats we rescue. Our goal is to make significant progress toward the end of overpopulation. The solution to this problem is to set up more adoption centers, and to educate owners about the importance of spaying and neutering. This will reduce the number of unwanted pets, and eventually lead to the end of overpopulation. Due to overpopulation, thousands of innocent cats and kittens will be put to their death simply because they have no home.

    ACRL is funded entirely by donations and adoption fees. The entire adoption fee ($85) that we receive from each adoption, goes towards the cost of vet services for that animal. Your donations help save these cats' lives, and also help find warm homes for these loving felines. All donations are tax-deductible, and are greatly appreciated. We receive no funding from other groups, and are based only on what we receive from warm-hearted people like yourself.

    You may wonder where we are located. We are set in Macomb, Michigan. The address to ACRL is below for you information. If any additional directions, or information about our location is needed, please contact the director and founder of ACRL, Nancy Job, at (810) 598-7024.

    Since most you you are individuals, like ourselves, most of you might not think that your donations will help. Well, I prepared a little chart describing what your donation would most likely cover.

You can even donate without giving money. Just click the below banner and let it load. By doing so, you've contributed $.05 towards the helping of innocent cats! It's that easy to help!

Click Here to Visit Our Sponsor

The list goes on and on. Please give as much as your heart wants. Together we can make a life at a time.


Here are the featured articles of ACRL

New cat checklist
An indoor cat is a happy cat
Sign ACRL's guestbook

View ACRL's guestbook
ACRL quiz
Question-answer forum
The "Don't Do" list for your cat (currently not available)
Cat introductions handled with patience (currently not available)
Animal cruelty taken seriously (currently not available)
Euthanasia - A tough decision (currently not available)
Routine for moving pets (currently not available)
Collars - A simple task (currently not available)
More on indoor cats (currently not available)
Plants and cats can't co-exist (currently not available)
Who will help your pets if you can't? (currently not available)
Don't give up your pets due to allergies (currently not available)
Grooming - Key to good health for pets (currently not available)
Solving the litter box mystery (currently not available)

If you have any questions, comments, or donations
(Donations greatly appreciated), feel free to write to:

Affection Connection
Feline Rescue League
49701 Fairchild Rd.
Macomb, MI 48042

Nancy Job
Phone or Fax - (810) 598-7024

Or e-mail us at: