Welcome to Jonathan's HomePage

This is me and my mother just before my Grad.

Aren't I Cute?

Me, sleeping on the couch.. Robyn snuck up on me. Me again, doing my not-so-famous Cornholio impression
Me, sleeping
Me, on the deck. Much more recent pic ---->
Me, on the deck.

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Links to other parts of my Website

Stress Relief! - Beat up your best friend on the Web (Belinda 1.4)

Stress Relief! - Amused.com's Fish Tank 3.0 More buttons and a bigger fish to fry!
Jonathan's NightHawk BBS
Click here to listen to our favorite .WAV
101 Silly things to do with a computer disk
The Smurf Mating Ritual ( HILARIOUS! )
Check out Jonathan's MultiMedia Jukebox, Featuring the NEW Interactive Lyrics Page
Click here for the most awesome X-files thing on the Internet
Look at Jonathan's Friends Page

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And Now, A Little about Me.

My name is Jonathan , and I am currently 21 years old, NO LONGER Single *SWEET* and I live in Coquitlam Bc.
I am 5 foot 9 and have short , blonde hair, and Blue eyes. That picture of me up there is WAY out of date, but all I had at the time :)
I ran a BBS called NightHawk BBS (Click if you are curious) and I am very interested in exploring the soul, spiritual stuff, music, computers and hanging out with my friends and I love meeting new people.
For the ladies, I am a big believer in relationships, having fun, and partying :)
For those of you that are my friends, or if you just want to say hello, tell me what you think of my page, send me money, cars, or meet The man himself, there are various ways of getting a hold of me.
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Copyright 1996, Jonathan J. Neville