- 1709. u Brodu je postojala Franjevacka Gimnazija, po zapisu I.A.Brlica,koja
je prestala s radom privremenim odlaskom Fanjevaca iz Broda u Đakovo
- 21.Veljace 1918 god. naredbom Hrvatsko-Slavonsko-Dalmatinske vlade
ukida se 5 i 6 razred vise pucke skole i otvara se 1 i 2 razred
Realne Gimnazije.
- Sk.god 1917/1918 upisano 205 ucenika
- Sk.1919/1919 upisano 389 ucenika
- Prvi upravitelj gimnazije bio je Josip Krascan
Gimnazija se nalazila na trgu Bana J.Jelacica (Korzo)
- 1970. god. dolazi do integracije Gimnazije "Zlatko Snajder" i Pedagoske
gimnazije "Franjo Marinic"
- 1978. god. Medicinska skola se udruzuje u Srednjoskolski centar
"Zlatko Snajder"
- 1991. raspadom Srednjoskolskih centara ponovo se uspostavlja Gimnazija
koja ima opce, jezicno, prirodoslovno-matematicko i glazbeno usmjerenje.
- 1709:The existence of a grammar school operated by Fransciscans is confirmed
in historical rescords by the historian I.A.Brlić. The school was closed
after the Franciscans left Brod for the neighbouring town of Djakovo;
- February 21. 1918.: The fifth and sixth classes of the Senior Public
School were disolved and the first and second classes of the Grammar
School were opened;
- 1917/1918: 205 students admitted;
- 1918/1919: 389 students admitted;
- The school was situated on Josip Jelacic square;
- 1970: The Zlatko Snajder Grammar School and the Franjo Marinic Pedagogical
Grammar School merged.
- 1978: The Nursary Scjool joined the Zlatko Snajder Secondary Education Center;
- 1991: The disolution of secondary education centers troughout Croatia;
The Grammar School in Brod was re-established.