My name
hippie van
Peace to all my brothers and sisters and welcome to my §ychadelic §quare! Drive on up to the §quare for some groovy stuff!

Want to know the real me? Delve deep into the psychedelic mind of Sabrina. Be warned, this page may contain Red Dye #12 and other harmful substances for your mind and body.

Friendships make the world a better place. I have made some groovy friends over the past four years online in chat rooms and mailing lists. Visit some of their homepages.

Visual representations of friends and family on and offline, taken and scanned with permission (of course). If you are really lucky you may catch a picture of the §ychadelic §aßrina herself!

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. In this life we are on a quest to love and to be loved in order that we may bond together and immortalize ourselves via the children we create from our love. 

Do you think you have a cool or §ychadelic §ite? Enter here and apply for §aßrina'§ §ychadelic Award and step into the groove baby! See past winners!

I am a member of quite a few webrings and reciprocal link services. Check this page out! It may be slow loading, depending on the servers where the graphics are located. 

This is a list of my CDs. As you can tell from this list I have a broad spectrum of musical tastes from Oldies, Country, Rap, Alternative, Techno, New Age, Rock, Classical and Dance.

Check out some of my favourite links. You may like some of them, you may not. Oh well who cares? They are MY favourite links. Some of the links may be adult oriented, so you are warned.

Some of my writings, poetry, art and various other artsy fartsy things. It's updated whenever I feel the need to write something or comment on a particular aspect of society I have problems with.

Please take the time to sign or view my guestbook. Older guestbook entries can be found here. Please please please sign it! I'm begging you!!!!! tee hee hee....

Making a homepage takes time and effort. It is nice to receive awards based on your efforts. Take a look at the awards I have won and feel free to apply to them for your own website!

Have something to add, or do you want to say something to me? E-mail me! All comments  received may be used on this website so think before you would like to write something nasty.

©1996 - 2002 by SBR Graphix