About Thailand's Communications Infrastructure....
Ummm...I do not know how to explain about how terrible Thailand's Communications Infrastructure is, because the price is too expensive and the service is not so good. Internet service in Thailand is much different from many other countries. You have to pay more than 900 Bath (22.50 $ US) per month (from the currency exchange rate at the moment) which includes only 20 hours of usage; if you use more than that, you have to pay 30-40 Bath (0.7 - 1 $ US), depends on what Sips for each extra hour.
Even though there are many Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in Thailand, they all have to charge the same high rates because they are all partially owned by the Post and Telegraph monopoly (at least 30%!). This puts the cost of accessing the Internet well above what even the "average" person can afford. Additionally, the telephone lines and speed are not so lovely as the price is, also soon the government will replace the fixed price, 3 Baht per minute (0.13 $) to the Time Zone Metering. You can compare it by yourself !!!
