Anthropology ...

Greek Anthropos, meaning 'man',
and logos, meaning 'study'.

Links and Such.

I plan to add more links to this page as well as some
of my own ideas and thoughts on different topics in
the field of anthropology. Bear with me...

I have always been fascinated with the ancient
religions and the cultures that practiced them.
One of my core beliefs pertaining to the
understanding of others is that we must
have an understanding of their belief system.
In learning the beliefs of others, keeping
an open heart and an open mind, we learn
tolerance and I believe that to be one thing
that is absolutely key to the the survival of
our species and perhaps our world.

Exploring Ancient World Cultures

The Archaeology of Costa Rica

The Anthropology Biography Page

The Society for American Archaeology

Jim Fley's Page of Fossil Hominids

Anthropology in the News

American Anthropological Association

Meadowcroft Rockshelter in Pennsylvania

The Anthropologist in the Field


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