elise's poetic rambles

...even with the anonymity of the net...
I shudder at the thought of revealing these rambles...
tread softly through these pages..please :o)

(ermmm....Beethoven, even)

He comes to me in my dreams
His music filling my soul with his passion
overflowing into the night...
His passions now mine...
His loves, my loves,
His pains, mine as well
This Man...this glorious Man...
Surely He is a God
for a mere mortal
could not possess such passion
His unspoken words of yesteryear
reach out from the past
and claim my spirit
at once, we are one
Our souls dancing in the pleasures...
entwined in the agonies...
Yes! He is a God...
Immortal...living forever in His music
Living so that I may live
His soul entering my soul
His heart reaching out to mine
claiming a piece of it as His
Touching me with his magic
Enchanting me with His spirit
He comes to me through His music
He fills my days with dreams.


Oh, Divine soul,
With your every word...
My breath catches,
My heart races,
My soul embraces...
Sweet poet of love,
Fill me with your essence...
Enfold me with your visions...
Embrace me with your soul.


An incredible urge to find myself
has awakened in me today...
I want to run out in the streets and scream,
Where is elise? I think she's lost her way!
Where am I? Is there a name for this
place and time that I have found?
To realize that the suchness of life
is not as solid as the ground.
I must have slept one thousand years
inside this tortured soul
One life closer to the end
One step further toward the goal.
The awareness of this alone
is worth an entire kingdom of gold
That the soul within this body
is one that is very old.


There is the me that laughs and loves
and plays some silly games
then there is the me that cringes
from the thought of all the pain
The me that laughs is never happy
The me that loves...denies
The me that cringes knows the truths
that hide behind the lies
The games are played to hide the pain
that has torn my mortal soul
They block the door that has been closed
They hide the pain so no one knows
There is a me that hides behind
the door that I have closed
The me that keeps the watch at night
when all the shadows grow
This is the me that no one knows
the one that hides the truth
The me that knows that I am safe
inside my soul---


You touch me, and something screams...
You are here, but I am gone now...
I am on my rock...by my stream
The world is tranquil...My mind is still...
I can feel the coolness of the rock beneath me
I can hear the water whispering my name
Somewhere in the distance there is a scream
but it dissipates in the breeze that caresses my skin
I am in my place and I am alone
Safe from the screams in the distance
safe from the me that hears the screams
safe in my world...until you are gone...
and the screams cease to be...


For the first time in many years
I have thoughts that bring a smile
In the middle of my day
For the first time in my lifetime
I feel there is someone like me
And I am not alone
Someone who has felt the pain
And knows the me that hides
And understands
For the first time in a long time
The morning brings the promise
Of a pleasant day
For now I see that I must open
The door that I have closed
And allow myself to be
Someone who laughs and loves
And fears not the pain
That has bound her soul!

shattered dreams

helplessly watching the pieces
drop one by one...
shattered, splintered pieces
of my soul...
clinging with every breath...
reaching out to a dream...
that was never meant to be


Smile for me
being for which I breathe
Come to me
my soul sings of you

Merge with me
keeper of my heart
Chase away
my sorrows with your laughter

On Dancing in Leaves
Perhaps Another Tomorrow
More Favourites
And More Favs

Adopt a Fairy.

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