"I've met many friendly people on my quest.And some
of the nicest have been on ICQ.There's Meggles...
my, "URL" buddy.Kitten...my "one smart cookie" buddy.
Lisa K...my, "soon gonna put the
rest of us out of business",buddy."S"
my, "ray of sunshine,even on a rainy day",buddy.Whiteleopard...
my, "learning more every day!!",buddy
.And then there's Kakes.
What can I say about her? She,s my friend,tried and true.
"Thanks Sweetie".
I wish I had room to mention all my ICQ friends.
Unfortunitly there's just not enough space.But know that the
following pages are dedicated to you.All of you.
Thanks for the smiles.

ps...... Ya know,...sometimes you get lucky.
I've met lots of people through ICQ,
and still more through email. All have been nice,
some have been very nice.But every
once in awhile,if you get lucky,you meet
someone who's kind words and friendly humor
make her stand out in the crowd.
."chysnan"...The Lady From Kentucky,
is one of those.I guess you could call her my
"new/old buddy".
Thanks for hanging in there. :-)

(Click on buttons to continue.)

"Friendship Tapestry"

"A True Friend"


"To My Friend"

"For My Love"
This page is dedicated to my wife,Ann.
The poet inspired to write a great love sonnet
must have known a lady like Ann.
The artist inspired to create beauty on canvas
must have known a lady like Ann.
Me?? I'm no poet,nor artist either.I'm just damn lucky.

"To My New Friend"
Have you ever wanted to send a URL to someone
new on your list but thought hugs,kisses and mushy
poems were a little to much for someone you've just met??
Try this one."S"

"Missing You"

"Memory Box"

"The Gift"
A Christmas Greeting

"Birthday Thoughts Of You"
A birthday greeting for your friends.

"Now and Forever"
A Valentine for your Sweetheart.

"My Friend"
A Valentine for your Friends.

"St.Patrick's Day Greeting"

"Thinking Of You, Roses"

"Mother's Day"

"You Are Special"

"The Comfort of Your Friendship"


Thinking Of You.

I'm not sure what to tell you about this one.
It started out as my "Autumn" page.But somewhere
along the line it changed into something else.So,all I
can say is,have a look for yourself and see what you think."S"

"A Thanksgiving Greeting"

Be sure to have your heart pills handy!!"S"

"My Alcoholic Nightmare"
A poem of survival by Mary Chaisson

(More coming soon.Please drop in again.)

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Did you enjoy your visit? If so,
why not share it with a friend."S"
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