Night Songs
Silent is the night, but in the robe of silence
dreams lie waiting.
The moon rolls overhead.
Its watchful eyes observe
the passing days.
* * *
Let me take you,
daughter of the fields, to the
lovers' vineyard.
The wine we press will quench the
fires of longing.
* * *
Can't you hear the nightingale out in the fields
pour out melodies?
The breathing of the hills has filled
the sky, their breath
the scent of herbs.
* * *
You need not fear, my love,
for never have the stars on high
told what they know.
Night's thick mists swirl in these vineyards;
they will veil our secrets.
* * *
You need not fear the spirit bride
will come out from
her magic cave.
She lies in drunken sleep, unseen by all
save houris' eyes.
* * *
The spirit king, if he should pass, let passion
give him due praise.
Like me he is in love and will not punish love,
for he burns too!
~ Kahlil Gibran