mode by which the inevitable
comes to pass is effort."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes
essence of our effort to see
that every child has a chance
must be to assure each an equal opportunity,
not to become equal, but to become different..
to realize whatever unique potential of body,
mind and spirit he or she possesses."
-John Fischer
is not the truth that a man possesses,
or believes that he possesses,
but the earnest effort which
he puts forward to reach the truth,
which constitutes the worth of a man.
For it is not by the possession,
but the search after truth
that he enlarges his power, wherein alone
consists his ever-increasing perfection."
-Gotthold Lessing
make a total effort,
even when the odds are against you."
-Arnold Palmer
was any art but an effort
to make a sheath, a mold in which
to imprison for a moment the shining,
elusive element which is life itself."
-Willa Cather
one has yet fully realized
the wealth of sympathy, kindness and
generosity hidden in the soul of a child.
The effort of every true education
should be to unlock that treasure."
-Emma Goldman
your efforts are sometimes greeted
with indifference, don't lose heart.
The sun puts on a wonderful show
at daybreak, yet most of the people
in the audience go on sleeping."
-Ada Teixeira
all human affairs there are efforts,
and there are results, and the strength
of the effort is the measure of the result."
-James Allen
only method by which people
can be supported is out of the effort
of those who are earning their own way.
We must not create a deterrent to hard work."
-Robert A. Taft