is true,
that a little philosophy inclineth
man's mind to atheism,
but depth in philosophy bringeth
men's minds about to religion."
-Francis Bacon
of speech is more than eloquence,
and to speak agreeably to him
with whom we deal is more than to speak
in good words, or in good order."
-Francis Bacon
on their side must force themselves
for a while to lay their notions by
and begin to familiarize themselves with
-Francis Bacon
is certain,
that a man that studieth revenge
keeps his wounds green,
which otherwise would heal and do well."
-Francis Bacon
wise man will make more
opportunities than he finds."
-Francis Bacon
when superficially studied,
excites doubt,
when thoroughly explored,
it dispels it."
-Francis Bacon
to make your course regular,
that men may know beforehand
what they may expect."
-Francis Bacon
the life that is most useful,
and habit will make it the most agreeable."
-Francis Bacon
comes out of error
more readily than out of confusion."
-Francis Bacon
is often hidden,
sometimes overcome,
seldom extinguished."
-Francis Bacon
first creature, which was light."
-Francis Bacon