I must beg the forgiveness of any who seeked out my site and have found this. My webpage has not been attended to since I first put it up almost a year ago. And though I still adore many of the men I posted up pictures of, I don't feel that I want the web space taken up by aimless fancies that are rarely viewed by anyone.

I will remake this webpage, but I doubt it'll have too much to do with my last one. In the meantime, to do something with your time--and if you like fanfiction from the mushy to the bizarre--then I would reccomend The Dusty Moth. The link is below. I have a few fanfics of my own there.

And if you are interested at all in the dark aesthetic and/or magickal influences, then keep and eye out for the goth store called The Hourglass.

Thanks and Kudos,


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