
eagle.gif (82678 bytes)

Hi, thanks for stopping by, my name is Steve , I am a former sheriff and
   US Army veteran . I love Eagles and
the freedom they represent, here you
       will find some pictures of some of them
and also some of my poetry . I hope you
enjoyed your visit and that you will return
again, also here is some information on the
Bald Eagle, this is my favorite of all the Eagles

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Common Name Bald Eagle
Scientific Name Haliaeetus Leucoephalus
Identifying   Characteristics
Wingspan 6.5-8ft length , 31-37 in. Adults have a
dark brown with white head and tail, yellow eyes and beak
The immatures are all dark with some white mottled in the
wings and tail. The eyes and beak are dark. As the birds mature
4-5 years of age they start getting the white tail and head and the
eyes start turning yellow...

Formerly distributed across North America, they  are now limited
to breeding in Alaska, Canada, the northen greal Lakes, Florida and
the Pacific Northwest.

Bald Eagles nest on the edge of rivers, lakes, or sea shores. In winter
and on migration they can be found where there is open water attracting
sufficient food and evening roost sites.

Nesting & Feeding:
They build a large stick nest  sometimes weighing over one ton that are usually
          about 6ft in diameter, the nest are built near the top of the largest trees near a
river or lake. Their young hatch after about 35 days and grow very quickly being
ready to leave the nest between 10 & 12 weeks of age. they feed on fish which they
catch themselves, find dead or pirate from other birds such as the Osprey, they also
feed on carrion or live prey such as water fowel and other birds, turtles and rabbits.

Endangered Species:
The Bald Eale was listed as an endangered species throughout most of the US
with the exception of Alaska where it is not listed, and Minnesota,Wisconsin
Washington, Oregon and Florida where it is considered threatened. In 1995
The Bald Eagle status has changed to threatened for the entire United States.
This beautiful Bird Of Prey stands for more than a trophy to me, it is a reflection
to our way of life, proud, fearless, yet graceful and majastic. Please don't destroy
one of God's most beautiful creations, The Mighty Eagle.

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Thank you to Angel Eyes for creating the beautiful globes for my site. I hope you will take a moment to visit her site


Link to my eagle gallery

Link to the Dove's Cove

Link to awards page

Link to Heartsong

Link to Tribute to First Americans

Link to In His Presence

Link to Whispers in the night

Link to Wall of Tears

Link to my Snowglobes page

Link to my second page of Snowglobes

Link to my third page of Snowglobes

Link to my Paintshop Pro Paintings

Link to The Reapers Halloween

Link to And Then Some

Email Me

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