Technical: Canon AE1-prog, 28mm, T-max CN 400, Jessops Gloss RC paper, Fuji Sensia 400, Slides, Kodak colour paper Location: Templar House Lift, UEL Parkvilllage, Stratford, East London, UK
Whoa!!! Does the technical sounds complicated or what? Shall we explain then luv? and so we shall. I simply print this life size, and was contemplating the enviroment where to put it . I choose the lift on the residence where i life. so after puting the nails on its time to mount it .
I tell ya i have fun with people asking what im doing in the lift. and the most Fave Ask Question was: "Where is the rude bit?" and the answer is there is not bloody rude bit on my work!
theres also a cute guy on the 6floor that ask me out for a drink the next week to help. being on the a constant running lift up and down for 1 hour really does my headin'. after that comes the tricky part for taking the pic of it. i cant ask the management to shut the lift down for my own sake when theres 11 floor of people wanting to used it constantly. so i have to fucking sty for another hour up and down the lift taking the shots. and another thing is that i ahve to used the 28mm lens to capture the whole of the lift. was having problems with the constant shutting door. I took this for my presentation so i did it on slide film. not realizing that things would turn green on tungsten light. the reason why i choose to use the lift was to match the shade bw prints and the metalic surrounding of it.of course this was what i had in mind. and then came out from Joe Basement Lab(wicked 24 hour print in London) with much surprise. but it wasnt a dissapointment at all. it kinda give another eerie atmosphere to the picture. so i have to say i am most pleased with it. what do you think? chiqbanana