An amphethamine based substance that gives you energy, gives false confident, acting as a stimulant. Made popular and arise to its golden age again along with the Raving culture and by the likes of Alexander Shulgin known as the Godfather of Ecstacy. Producing a book of over 300 chemical recipe he had tried himself along with a small circle of freinds in his lab in Florida, the book called" Pihkal- Phenethylamines I have known to Love". And the second Edition titled "Tihkal". First synthesized by a German Pharmacy E-Mercks in 1914. Acts as a stimulant, this thing been produced under diffrent contents and also under a lot of diffrent names. Some contains speed, some contains cocaine, some contains k thamine, even morphine. They are a bit tricky. Even if you recognize it by name(e.g mitsubishi) the consistent would change slightly. Thats why on taking this you have to be careful its crucial to know whats it consist of, or ask what kind of type of feeling you will get from it. Get it from a known source. Buying it from unknown source could end up in a rip off case when the pill turn out to be fake, or worst badly designed. Price in UK is about 10 Pounds, cheaper when buying in fives or tens. In Aussie a bit heftier it cost $50(ridiculous!). Indonesian sell it for about Rp.100.000, equivalent of US$12. I popped my first cherry on the night of May the 1st, at the Cannabis March Party in London 1999.Its called Radiation. I took only half of it since it was only my first time. We were sharing the pils between friends, so I follow the first rule in experimenting with drugs. Know what you are taking and stick wiht friends. Of course the night went well, was dancing all night since this type gives you energy. Was drinking plenty and had a nice comedown with freinds and joints. The second attemp did not go to well. Took and E after freshly "dumped" by my Ex-. Was not a good state at all. Pop and E caller Euro. Small green stuff and thinking I ll be fine assuming the pil have the same effect. I Broke the first rule of not knowing what im taking, altough still sticking up with friends. The first 2 hours was ok, I was still dancing and laughing exessively with friends. Things got worst when it started to kick in. I felt very emotional, things are flashing back as a result I was crying. Then paranoia takes over(its not even comedown yet). I dont know whats happening wiht my body, and I have never been in that state before. My teeth were grinding and my eyes are flickering like a broken telly. I was shivering. I sat on the curb of the lobby in HEADFUK party alone. My friends are still dancing in diffrent rooms at the party. II was still crying 5 hours later, thats when my friends pick me up from the corner and ask me to go home. From that day forward i said, NO more. Later I had it check with one of my mate studying chemistry, to find out that this Euro contains 70% morphine and some other shit too. E is an amphetamine based substance, like speed it should gives you energy, but the thing is to know what kind you are taking. if you play guessing you might experience what I have experienced. Other type is the triangular pils mistaken for Ecstasy when its actually DXM. |
Theres a couple of tips from me: -Always buy it from a known source. If you can find out what it is or at least ask how does it tends to make you feel, is superb. -If the Pill is small there a big cahnce that it might be string, Try half of it first. -Drink plenty of water not alcohol as it will dehydrate you instead, Warning: Certain Pill with DMX contents is opposite to alcohol and could be dangerous to be consume together. -Smoking WEED does'nt have an effect as the amphetamine is muuch stronger. -When buying in a RAVE: -Find someone who had alredy on it and ask where they get them from. -To test that its not "coloured Panadol" lick it. If its only bitter theres a chance of it being fake. If you feel you want to puke after licking then the pill is REAL! |