

  This is actually a form of Crystal Methamphetamine is a powerful synthetic stimulant that can be either injected or smoked. It speeds up activity of the central nervous system.
     Effects includes pounding heart, sweatiness, blurred vision, and dilated pupil . It could also
affect the person behaviour including physical anxiety, hallucination, to paranoia.
     The negatives effect have far more numbers than the positive. Being a very strong and addictive substance.                                                                                                              Positives: increased alertness,decresed need for sleep, euphoria, increased sexuality.      Neutral: weight loss, sweating, visual auditory hallucination(hearing voices).                               Negatives: disturbed sleep pattern, disinterest on people (friends/partner/family),itching, nausea vommiting,shortness of breath, mood chages, to involuntary body movement(twitch)
Long term user could suffer  anorexia when smoking for a long period time, and food distataste.  Agressive and violent behaviour, severe depression, even sucidal tendencies.
Long term effect: Kidney disorder, brain damage, stroke, permanent psychology problems, liver damage, to amphethamine psychosis ( schizophrenia).
   I dont think this is catagorized as a recreational drug, when the complications are that much.
