Lesser Known Drugs

  On this page educate yourself with other lesser known recreational drug.

GHB/Fantasy/Grivious Bodily Harm

Gamma-hydroxybutyrate(GHB) usually comes as a clear liquid in small plastic bottle or as white powder. In small doses GHB makes user feels "relaxed and happy".
Some user compare the feeling to taht ecstasy hence its nickname is
"liquid E". With increases doses the initial euphoria is replaced by powerful sedative effects taht range from hallucination to unconciusness.


DMT can either be injected or smoked. Its effect resemble LSD but more intense.The effects begin in seconds, reach peak in five to twenty minutes and ends about a half an hour. According to journal article by Alexander T Shulgin" Thoughts and vision are crowed in at a great speed,sense of leaving or trascending time and the feeling that all objects had lost form." The terms 'mind blowing' might have been invented by this drug.

Nitrus Oxide/Laughing Gas/Bulbs

Comonnly found in the dentist's office for medical use(or on the shelves of your local supermarket), nitrus oxide tends to pop up out of context.Renowed for the extreme giddiness and euphoria associated with laughin, it also caused hallucination,sensation that the body is floating and astral projection.Chronic use however is not a good thing wiht impotence and shooting paain reported as effect.

PCP/Angel Dust

Phencyclidine (PCP) comes in forms of liquid,tablets or white to grey or brown powder.It can be smoked, snorted, or orrally taken .Effects include lost of comprehension of the immidiate enviroment, often accompanied by a sense of strangth and invulnerability as well as hallucination,severe mood disorder,confusion  ,amnesia , anxiety and loose of coordination.
