Life Start Boot Camp

Overnight Boot Camp for Women Only

This program is  Boot Camp… minus the yelling and screaming. Working at (mostly) your own pace, you will be pushed and motivated to get stronger, leaner and healthier.

We will get you in great shape with dancing, swimming, hiking, horseback riding, push ups, tree holds, abs..abs..and more abs, more dancing, calisthenics, games, stretching and much more...

Plus, you will eat small very healthy meals three times per day. Drink lots of water, and have fun!


Have you thought about the military, just to loose weight?

Have you wished you could be on survivor, just to teach your body to eat one little cup of food per meal?

Have you been wanting to spend on a vacation, only to think…I wish I could afford a spa…? But can only afford camping?

Have you thought about all-inclusive, but have no one to go with?

Do you want to change your life?

Do you want to learn to be neat and clean, look great, get motivated, and, Yes, and have good girl friends?

Here is your chance!


To contact us:

Phone: (917)-533-2884 or (215) 881-7121
