The characteristics of a specific animal are often rubbed off on those who have it as a totem. We often harness the natural power and energy of our totem. This energy may come in many forms, but is often closely associated with the attitude and habitat of the animal itself.
The relationship you have with your totem also depends on its energies and attitude. Relationships with your totem animals are strongly based on the emotional, spirituality, physicality, and psychological characteristics of the animal you are dealing with.
Each totem has inherant skill and power. Each totem has inherant blindness and weakness. This will be represented by the inner energy and spirit of the animal you are dealing with.
To find the differnt aspects of your totem ask yourself some questions and read up on the animal. You can learn from how the animal acts in the wild and the traits it exhibits.
Begin by asking these simple question about your animal:
What is my totem's physical build?
What does my totem eat? How does it get it's food?
What are the skills of my totem?
Where does my totem live?
When does my totem sleep? Where?
Does my totem hibernate? When? Where? How?
How does my totem mate?
How does my totem interact with others of its kind?
How does my totem react to other species?
What does my totem fear? Love?
These questions will help you build a base attitude for your totem. These traits will help you learn the lesons that your totem will present to you, as well as give you insight into yourself and others.
Many Animals have traditional meaning which are associated with them. Authors like Ted Andrews, D.J.Conway, and Silver Ravenwolf have written books on this very subject. While I do not agree with every interperation that is offered by these authors, I find their overall despcription and basic interperatation helpful and a good starting point.
I, however, do not follow all of their interpretations of totem animals. Through observation and a lot of research, I have come up with a fairly loose guide of animal charateristics when they are associated with totem animals. I have done research on both recent and ancient views of the animals, as well as their habitats and attitudes while in nature.
I encourage you to do the same when discovering your totem animal. Use this as a rough guide and let your heart, mind and soul tell you where to take the information you do know.