Divination Spreads
Here are a few Tarot or Rune spreads. I will keep is simple and brief. Make up your own spreads. Those are the ones which will work best for you. These are a few of my favorites. Remember, when spreading the cards, shuffle thinking of the question. use your energy to focus the cards on what you want answered.
- The Past
- The Present
- The Future
- Influence or Atmoshpehere
- Obstacles
- The Eventual Goal
- Infleuncing Events of the Past
- The Immediate Past
- The Immediate Future
- Attitude or position on the Matter
- The Enviroment Influencing the Matter
- Hope and Fears
- Final Outcome
- The Root of the Problem
- The Immediate Past
- The Present
- The Immediate Future Choice
- The First Choice
- The Second Choice
- The Impact of the First Choice on your Life
- The Impact of the Second Choice on you Life
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
- Influence of the Whole year
The Basics of Tarot
The Major Arcana
The Minor Arcana