On The Loose - On Line Soap

© All Rights Reserved to Renee Chaaya
Welcome to "On The Loose", a soap opera that was born out of Toronto. It concentrates on the lives of eight (8) women who grew up together, and thier on going (and always funny)trials. Please stay tuned for the episodes.
On The Loose Title Page Image

Here is a little history of the Story

Once upon a time, 5 best friends at the age of 18 decided to move in together. For various reasons, they all needed to get away and begin life on thier own. Each with thier own adjenda, they moved with Jeanette into her large loft in Toronto.

About the Authour

Renee (also known as Renee Jeanette) works full time as an accountant. At the age of 18, she started writing this soap opera as a joke for her friends. In a short period "On The Loose" took a life of its own, and soon was demanded by more then the five (5) title characters (who will be introduced in the Character Bios). As was demanded, Renee complied, working around her schedule. Hope you enjoy.


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Renee Jeanette
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