In the painting  process I am nay interested  "nice pictures".
Of importance  to  my  is just what I discover while  painting,
what  are  the  kinds interrelations  between  me and the world
and between  my way of painting and the object. What I paint
I call a oneness;  this being like braided  opposites " ing " and
" yang " where  each one includes a part of the  other.  I think
about world not in a way of matter but I tray to use  pictures
to  the  energy  it is  made  of.  And this is why  some of my
paintings  are  circular forms  of world and life in the making
where even destruction is the source of new forms. For me Art
is a continuous process of searching for the essence of existence,
the formation  process of not just the pictures of the world but
also of myself - the affirmation of life.

                                                    Bogdan Stodulny
