
Welcome to the Alternative Homepage
Wade Allen Kammerer Gregg.


Welcome! This is my alternative homepage dedictate to my personal perspectives and  interests. Those of you who have been watching the progress of my page building might be keenly interested in the links below where I have also been busy. So, please take a look  around and enjoy yourself. I add new material regularly to keep my site fresh. Check back often!


My Other Home page- My other home page at Cyberverse Online. Extensive for the verbage and photos. Why two home pages? Because of how they are built. On my other home page, I use Front Page 98. [Here at Geocities, I use Geobuilder.]

Hobbies & Interests
- Some of My Hobbies & interests. You might be surprised by some of them. Right off the pages of my other web site, you will find links and content specific to my interests and , if you can call them such, hobbies.

Opticaldisk Homepage
- This is the Homepage for Opticaldisk and Eclectic Associates. I have been a builder here for my client from the beginning. New things are coming here in the near future.

Smart Set Travel
- My latest project on behalf of a good and long term client. You will find many good travel and cruise deals here both now and in the future. Updated often.


Courtesy to the Host:

Knowing how GeoCities likes to promote itself and out of courtesy to the fine work its staff have done to improve free web page hosting for the masses, I leave the following links in place for you. I encourage you to visit these links as I have.

To meet new people here at GeoCities, check out the
GeoCities chat rooms.

You must meet the
Community Leaders in my neighborhood. They're a lot of fun.

Email me....

Want to get in touch with me? Like my page? Email me! [wade_2000@geocities.com]