I am calling upon all my friends and those who surf into here to reach out to your higher power and pray or meditate ... perhaps the cumulative positive energy may have a beneficial effect on Shannon's possible recovery.........
Click below for a link directly to Shannon's homepage.....
***I have Very bad news...7/17/00...
It is only a matter of days now before Donna has the heartrending task of giving the orders to disconnect the machines... Shannon has given all he has to remain alive...
We continue to pray for a miracle.... and for Donna, his mother...
Her unshakable love and faith in our LORD, has kept Shannon alive this long.... Let us continue to pray for Shannon... and for Donna.....a Mother who wouldn't take NO for answer, who went to the ends of this earth and her strength for her only child.
Update 8/8/00
It is with great sorrow that I must announce the passing of Shannon L. Westerfield on 8/4/00 at 8:35 pm.
Donna had the most dreadful task of being there when the doctors turned off the machines which were keeping his body alive.. but Shannon entered the Gates of Heaven in his mother's loving arms.... and is now at peace..
His body was buried today,(8/7/00), but we all know that Shannon left this earth to be with his Heavenly Father several days ago , and now has found his place with the angels....
Thank you everyone for all the outpouring of love, concern, and prayers... the unity of all the people on the internet loving Shannon, and praying for him was in itself .. The Miracle of Shannon...
After 26 months of fighting for his life, withstanding numerous additional surgeries for continuing brain necrosis (from the radiation therapy), Shannon is now on total life support, and is failing fast.
and we all can say AMEN
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Shannon had surgery to remove the tumor on 3/1/99, by Dr Fred Epstein of Beth Israel Hospital in New York City.. at this time, the tumor proved to be benign and grew from the site of the astrocytoma from which he had surgery when he was 4 years old..
He is due to be released from the hospital tomorrow (3/10/99) to return home to Kansas for extensive rehabilitation...
We pray for his return to health and productivity.. and for his loving mother, Donna, who would have gone to the ends of this earth to find help for Shannon...
Help came from so many of you on the internet, by way of love, concern, emotional support and most importantly....PRAYERS.....
Well, folks, just keep on praying....we have to get Shannon up on his feet yet... and he will eventually have to have surgery on his eyes to get them to focus together again...
My grateful thanks to all of you... love, Momma