There's something so damn erotic about vampires... I find myself attracted to those pale men with pointy teeth. I melt at the sight of a flowing cape and graceful, silent movement. Lestat's my hero, though there are plenty of vampires that I have met and liked over the years. Here's an old Halloween Picture of me as a lonely vampire- Notice the lack of reflection!
Anne Rice - Give me vampires or give me death! er, undeath? Lestat is a notch above your ordinary vampire.
Darkside of the Web: Vampires Lots of striking links.
Human/Vampire Compatability test
Singapore's Vampire Coven Focuses on the Vampire Chronicles.
Vampire Links Plenty to slate anyone's thirst...
Vampires By Anders Martin Labich Nielsen- Full of history and cool.
Vampire: The Masquarade There's even a link to a vampire fortress...
Vampyre Vulnerability test.