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Kelly and Sara's Page of Sass

A big hi, howdy, and hello to all of you who are cool enough to visit our page dedicated to all things sassy. We are both from Connecticut but are currently second year students at Goucher College in Baltimore, MD. We spend a large percentage of our time and paltry savings on insanely long road trips with the sole purpose of catching a glimpse of cool bands like The Nields and Jump Little Children. We also thoroughly enjoy watching the Olympics and are very sad that they're over. To us the whole thing is an addictive soap opera. Of course, that's not all that we live for. Here is a list of things we hope to have on this page as it grows and develops:

You've heard us gushing- now it's time for YOUR introduction to the Nields!

Sassy Introduction to The Nields

Who are the sassiest athletes of the 1998 Nagano Olympic Winter Games? Visit our

Sassy Athletes Photo Gallery

Links to other sassy web pages:

The NieldsWeb HomePage

Emily's Better Than Ezra Extravaganza

Jess's Page of Mystery and Delight (And Commie Enclave)!

The Official Will Weiss Home Page

Ken-ichi Ueda's Page of Guh

Lenox Home Page

Ingrid Hates You

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This page was last updated on March 16, 1998

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