Some Leaves in soft pastels making a line

Welcome to my mess. I will try and give a little bit of enjoyment to this mundane world. Not that the WWW is really the place to start a change. So with that, lets get with the somewhat cool stuff. Well that is what I think it is.

So where do you want to go...

Check It Out NOW!!!

The Church of Harley

A place where those of the biking medium can take a gander at my piece of freedom. 

Ha Ha a Joke on Symbolism (Phone to Words)

Words of Wisdom

For those that truly follow the bohemian in themselves or just like a bit of romantic writing. Hey it's poems guys! 

Hey I live there. Oh No, There.  Stupid rotating Earth.

Hey Were They Not Our Enemy?

Some Pictures of Russia. St. Petersburg to be exact. Hey I had to go someplace for vacation. 

Some weird rotating twirl


Well I would be in big trouble if I did not have something on my family and My Love. 

A Target that moves


Well this page is just a mish-mash of anything I wanted to put together. Enter at your own risk.  

Hey I remember Pong

People I Know

I could not leave out some pictures of my friends. I has to find someplace to put these shots. 

Bongie Bongie Bongie

Irina the Model

Irina just is a Goddess infront of the camera.

Rocks Stupid

Ok, so you have seen my pages. I hope that you got something out of it. Now is that time that I ask (just like everyone else's Web pages) to e-mail me with your comments. Go ahead, I just might read my mail this time.

Hey it is a fancy way of getting people to click on my E-mail

One last thing, All Items (all poems on my Words of Wisdom page, all photos on all my pages, all art work on my Expressions page) are mine and are to stay that way.  You are more than welcome to lift the cool graphics, because I had little to do with them (or nothing at all)  I really hate writing this stuff, but I need to cover myself in case someone wants to be uncivilized.  With all that said and done, have fun on my pages and give me comments.