Jessica's Corner

I have decided to expand my site a little, and open it up to other poet's who show they've got the skills.

The poet who I am dedicating this page to is Jessica Drake. She became a friend of mine on day 1 of when we met, while working at a local grocery store. I admire her spirit and attitude, and her love for Christ. She is the type of person that I look out for, and it's a pleasure calling her my friend.

I tend to be egocentrical about poetry, and not too many other poets really touch me. However, Jessica is not a fluffy writer, she has really impressed me with her creative ability. I really like how she can evoke emotion through her poetry, I feel an understanding of what she goes through to write her poems.

Here are a few examples of some of the stuff she has written:

*The Blamed
*My Heart
*Untitled (but it's really good!)
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