Hatcher Inc.

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Welcome to the Hatcher Web - A way of keeping you up to date on everything that's happening!


Photo Library
Contact Information
Travel Journal
Weekly News
William's Rolodex

Current Work

Ok, I am still with Siemens.  I am working on an SAP implementation team here in Alpharetta, Georgia.  It is more on the business side of IT, and I like it that way.  But enough abou that, lif is all about the fun right!?? SO what have all of you all been doing. hit me up and let me know. Thanks.

Future Work

Well the goal for the year is to SUCCESSFULLY complete 4 alternative business ventures.  Your support, where ever and whenever you see fit is greatly appreciated. And I will personally guarantee you 100% (ok, ok 98.9%) satisfaction or your money back.  I will personally eat it.  Nonetheless, venture number one is a custom gift & decoration effort.  We will make it work, it is called Aggie By Design.  The service, custom artificial floral arrangements of superior quality and taste.   Visit the web site, which will be undergoing 2 months of improvments (April - May).  If you like what you see, great.  If not, I would love to get some feedback! Hey, if I cant look to you all for it, then who!?  www.aggiebydesign.com

My Travels

Photo Library

My Rolodex




Page last updated : 02. April 2003