The door slides silently shut behind you. Before you is a table with a family album with several pictures strewn around it, constant work in progress. Paintings and Pictures of the O'Rourke's, the Falconburgs, and the Van Camp line grace the walls. The smell of vanilla is in the air. In the corner, an easel with children's paintings and oils await the next brush stroke.
Several computers, Xboxes, Playstations, and other assorted video game consoles and games are set up and ready to play. Choose your virtual crack! There are several teenagers and kids playing games here. Looks like major fun!
Board games sit on the shelf next to the table, Scrabble, Balderdash, Uno, Chess and Back-Gammon to name a few. You can almost hear the laughter of the family members who enjoyed one another's company here.
There are beanbags, toys and children books strewn in the chaotic array that only engrossed children can create. The room is alive with color and plants. You look towards the family album, and wonder what kind of family such a unique individual came from....
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And now for something completely the same: SOMETHING THE SAME